Friday, June 20, 2008

Fathers day card and challenging myself

Ok, so I wanted to see if I could do it. So here is my card that I challenged myself with. All are CTMH except the ribbon and the yellow paper. Enjoy

Here is the card I made Tom for fathers day. I used rockstar by dcwv and my cricut. He actually said "Thats cool" normally I get a head nod.
What do you think???


Sanela Kubiak said...

I love both of these cards. Very COOL. Like your blog too. Have a Nice Day!!!


1 Crafty Gal said...

WOOO HOOO WINNIE!!! Welcome to the blogging world! Your cads are fantastic! I so LOVE the YOU ROCK card!

Tiff said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!!!!! Thank you again for helping me angel the tag swap :) I love all your ideas! Blog ya soon....